Objective: To create a safe space where all Ghanaian and Non-Ghanaian men of all ages and generations can come together to discuss, learn, teach, mentor each other, and build community.

Focus Areas:
Mental Health and Complete Well-being: This will be achieved through regular programs via workshops from experts in the field of Mental Health, Therapy, Psychology, etc. Debunk myths and cultural practices around mental health, emotional vulnerability, and physical exercise. Furthermore, we will aim to create a resource hub where interested persons can access help at any time.

Financial Education (Investment, Life Insurance, Estate Planning, Taxes, Educational Funds, Business Tips): We hope to achieve this by bringing in Financial educators and creating a network of Ghanaian Canadian professionals to share their experiences and relate the information to a more cultural context for maximum grasp.

Passing Down Culture and Tradition to the Younger Generation: We hope to facilitate conversations that will uncover the reasons behind the disconnect between the older and younger generation. We hope to build a stronger bond through these conversations so that culture and tradition can be passed down and keep our Ghanaian languages, traditions, culture, and many more vibrant and alive.

Marriage & Relationships: We will explore how we can continue to build good marriages and relationships and find better ways to mitigate some of the challenges. We hope to frequently have joint sessions with the Women Wing to understand each other’s perspective and work on a solution together.

Proactively stem gender violence: Educate men on the signs of gender violence and proactively address them.